Monday 28 September 2015

Deconstructing Miley Cyrus

Dyer Star Theory

3 Important Songs


The First song I actually enjoyed listening to. It used to be on the radio every time and I eventually downloaded it into my PSP. This was the first time I've ever downloaded a song (courtesy to my brother) and because of that, that was when I started to explore for more songs that would suit me.


Went to Australia at the beginning of summer 2014 and heard this song at a bar. Shazammed it and fell in love with it for the whole summer. Not only I discovered this song, but it introduced me to summer and dance music like "JUBEL BY KLINGANDE" and "I GOT U BY DUKE DUMONT". I currently only listen to these music genres as they has taken over my music taste.


One of the songs I could listen to as many times as I want. First Heard it in the 2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony. Before that, I'd already started listening to Muse. My dad introduced me to them in 2008 with their album "Black Holes and Revelation". Following that was "The Resistance" and then the "2nd Law". Sometimes I would fully blast this in the car alone.

Typical Harrow Music Consumption

Music Shortlist

  • Hold On, We're Going Home- Drake
  • For a Better Day- Avicii
  • Tunnel Vision- Dirty South
  • Won't Look Back- Duke Dumont

These are the songs we thought that best fits our music video. Idea was to make a music video about revenge and vengeance. This is not the confirmed choice yet, as we are still looking for more songs

Monday 14 September 2015

Prelim Project

This is our final piece of the Uptown Funk Parody.

It was a challenge to try and create a parody similar to the original "Uptown Funk Parody". Overall the outcome was pretty impressive. We were able to the to follow the shots of the original clip but there are still many areas of improvement such as the lip syncing. Some of us didn't know the lyrics to the song and we should've revised more. We could've also taken more shots and see which best fit each scene from the original clip. For example, we could've taken more scenes from different locations or try different angles and experiment with them to see which works out best. Given the little time we had (2 days) it was quite still a surprising outcome as we've never done something like this before. We had the general idea of the music video and because of that, we were able to replicate the original music video.

Uptown Funk Parody