Friday 4 March 2016

Question 6

How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project?


The best place to find information was google as it shares the most accurate search results. Because of that most of our findings and questions were easily found. Google was used for developing our plans and understanding our criteria and objective a lot more for our coursework. For example, we now have a better understanding of EDM music and its foundation. Not only that but the people who listen to it, we were able to deduce the minds of EDM listeners and eventually draw a conclusion. We also used YouTube as a main way of watching existing music videos. From YouTube we were able to look at many options in the EDM genre and make a final choice on what song we want to make a MV based on. Despite that, we had problems connecting to YouTube as the internet connection wasn't that reliable so choosing music videos wasn't too easy. However, we were still able to get the job done. Other music streaming websites like SoundCloud was also in support. We decided to look at some underrated music that didn't have music videos which made it a lot harder to develop ideas to fit the lyrics. We also had other options like magazines and television, but the power of YouTube and Google meant that we only needed those two.


For all the research and information we collected, we used blogger as a mean place of sharing and presenting our work. We used it as well for our AS coursework as it was the best way to present work or process. Blogger has all the tools for you to share all your work and creative ideas i.e allowing you to embed special types of work presentations and videos like youtube videos and prezi. This just makes everything more convenient and efficient. Instead of clicking links and waiting for the page to load, the work already loads in the blog. However, some work presentations websites don't embed very well to blogger as sometimes it's out of scale or it is not very well optimised (it can sometimes stutter or it's very slow). However it's still very favourible and it's free. Blogger keeps your work very well organised, showing each documents as lists. Changing the name and the dates of your work is very simple and there's a search for you to find your work. Blogger also allows you to design the template of your blog, meaning to can set to style you wish to show. I've set the theme of my blog to my music and album giving it the vibe.


Planning was done on both computer and paper. Eventually paper work will be scanned and placed into the blog. Our planning consist of lyric analysation, storyboards and deconstructions of selected musicians/ genres. We also had documentations like risk assessments, location surveys, and various reports which were then later scanned into the blog. Essay work and research was done on computer, just for that fact it looks more neat and organised on a document processor. Location scouting is done in a video format, giving a better perspective/understanding of the place we took the music videos. We recruited a group of friends to help shoot our video and the way we made schedules for our shoots was through facebook and LINE (messenging apps). We were able to discuss our availability and times to do shoots. However, most discussions were done at school because everyone was there to receive the schedule and the times for the shoots, but they were reinforced in group chats.


For hardware, we were supplied with the school's dslrs. They were pretty standard DSLRS but they got the job done. If you had a camera you can you that as well. We didn't have our own camera, we meant that were limited down to a few features provided by the camera. Because of that, the shots and scenes we planned to do had to be recreated.

With the help of the internet, we were able to find solutions to these limitations. A couple of searches lead us to finding a ways to crack the camera. We were then introduced to "Magic Lantern".  The software is an add on for Canon EOS DLSRS that runs through the SD card which adds a new range of features that weren't included by the factory software. We decided to give it a go, with a slight concern as we thought it might completely brick the camera. However, it worked out really well. The features that we required were time lapse mode (a way of an object or place e.g sky progress over time at normal speed). Another featured that we needed was the full control of the recording frame rate. Our aim was to cinematic shots and the feature was there to support us. There were many more useful features provided by Magic Lantern, but we didn't need to use them.

We were able to acquire a drone, which open a much bigger path to what shots we can do. More ideas came in mind, making the whole process a lot more creative. We can up with the idea that the drone will be used for long shots and wide shots. The car scene where, the gang was on their way to kill 2 henchmen was shot with the drone. Pretty much, we were lucky to have the drone. It made the whole thinking process a lot more creative.

Editing Software

For our music video, we used Adobe Premier Pro as it is the software I'm most familiar with. The needed tools to edit my music video were easily identified so it made the whole process a lot better. The only slight problem we din't enjoy about Adobe Premier Pro is that you had to find the footage file again whenever you moved it to another location. For example, I had to move all the footage from my old hard drive to a new one which meant that I had link the software to the footage again one by one.

We also brought Adobe After Effects to the action. It was used to edit the raw footage's to make it look the way you want your music video to be. Again, I was familiar with the software as I've used it during AS for coursework. What I really enjoyed and liked about the software is that you can cross-link both After Effects and Premier Pro. This means that you can work at 2 things at once. For example, you can do all the trimming and cutting in Premier Pro and do the colour grading and adjustments in After Effects and they both sync meaning that you don't have to construct the edited footage again. That saved us loads of time and that's why we prefer them over other softwares.

For our photo shoots and digipak, we used Adobe Photoshop. We did all the colour adjustments and filters to give the photos the theme we had going for the project. I've been using Photoshop for quite a while, so all the tools I'm very familiar with. Had no problems with the software, it was perfectly fine.

Finally, for our website we were recommended WIX, a very well know website builder for everyone. We never built a website before, but WIX made it so simple and easy to use. Most of the time, it was just a drag and drop scenario. It was simple yet the website looks very professional. The only thing we didn't like about it was that there were WIX branding on the website, so it just gives it away.

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